Help build at least 120 folding desks for local students in need, for the upcoming virtual school semester. When you sign up, we explain the workstations and ask about your skill level. Some manufacturing tasks require special skills, such as precision cutting with a chop saw or attention to detail in assembling components of the desk.
Most workstations involve a team of two or three individuals. Due to social distancing challenges, we ask people who are immediate family members or close friends to volunteer for the multi-person teams. Please commit to working the full day, from 8:30am until 4pm. This way, we don’t have to re-train volunteers mid-day.
ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST WEAR MASKS in the parking lot at St. Mark’s Church in Highland. DreamBuilders will take additional precautionary measures to minimize potential exposure to the CORONAVIRUS.
We’ll host a Zoom meeting on Friday evening before each workday to review team assignments, tasks, health, safety, and Q+A. Casey’s Crab Company will provide lunch. For more info: Doug at
Update 7/28/2020: All volunteer openings have been filled for this workday. However, we fully expect that demand for these desks will be high, so look for announcements of additional production days!
32 volunteers needed Saturday, August 1 – (Raindate: Aug 8) 14 volunteers needed Saturday, August 8 – (Raindate: Aug 15)
DreamBuilders Folding Desk Prototype, designed and built by Jeff Kassman
DreamBuilders’ first work day for our new project is planned for Saturday, August 1st, 2020 from 8:30-4pm at St. Marks Church in Highland. We will arrange a variety of physically distanced work stations to build and assemble more than 100 desks for low-income families in need of our help. The finished product will be distributed to students for an improved learning environment while at home during the pandemic. Check back soon for additional details along with an online sign up for volunteers.
DreamBuilders plans to build folding desks and school supply organizer kits for home use for children in need. Our change in focus is the result of adjusted conditions during the COVID pandemic. We will ensure appropriate physical distancing for our volunteers’ safety during our local work days this summer and fall.
The project utilizes our building and technical skills to address a community need. We intend to provide these items to improve the study environment for elementary and high school students, particularly for those learning remotely from bedrooms. An organized learning environment not only affects concentration and productivity–it also promotes physical, emotional and social well-being.
We seek teen and adult involvement in planning, design, building, and distribution. If you want to help, or have questions, email Doug at
Please join us for a virtual meeting Monday, June 22, 2020 at 7PM. We need your ideas on how DreamBuilders can best serve those in need during this challenging time. Please spread the word and let’s show the community what DreamBuilders can accomplish! Adults are welcome too, but we will be soliciting ideas from the youth first.
Sadly, the Coronavirus pandemic caused DreamBuilders to cancel our mission trips and local building projects this year. It’s not possible to undertake our significant construction projects while ensuring the safety of our volunteers. Social distancing isn’t feasible on construction sites. Rest assured, we will resume our mission of building homes for those in need as soon as it is safe to do so.
In the meantime, the leadership team is ready to apply our organization skills, significant volunteer base and our financial resources to help during this crisis. We have some ideas on how we can support the local communities with food drives, etc. and we want your input about other ways DreamBuilders can make a difference!
Please note: Participants must sign up in advance. You’ll receive an email with the Zoom link and password within 48 hours. Sign up closes at 3pm on June 22.
Photo Credit: Bronte Wittpenn/Tampa Bay Times via AP
Come and learn about DreamBuilders projects in the local area and afar! We’re getting ready for the summer of 2020 at two exciting destinations. Homeowner recovery needs following recent natural disasters greatly influenced our mission trip decisions. Come find out how you can be part of a team to help families in need–rebuild, and change lives! Please note the venue and time: St. Mark’s Church, 12700 Hall Shop Rd, Highland at 3pm