Sign up for the Virtual Town Hall here
Please join us for a virtual meeting Monday, June 22, 2020 at 7PM. We need your ideas on how DreamBuilders can best serve those in need during this challenging time. Please spread the word and let’s show the community what DreamBuilders can accomplish! Adults are welcome too, but we will be soliciting ideas from the youth first.
Sadly, the Coronavirus pandemic caused DreamBuilders to cancel our mission trips and local building projects this year. It’s not possible to undertake our significant construction projects while ensuring the safety of our volunteers. Social distancing isn’t feasible on construction sites. Rest assured, we will resume our mission of building homes for those in need as soon as it is safe to do so.
In the meantime, the leadership team is ready to apply our organization skills, significant volunteer base and our financial resources to help during this crisis. We have some ideas on how we can support the local communities with food drives, etc. and we want your input about other ways DreamBuilders can make a difference!
Please note: Participants must sign up in advance. You’ll receive an email with the Zoom link and password within 48 hours. Sign up closes at 3pm on June 22.