
Since our founding in 2002, DreamBuilders has touched the lives of more than 500 people. We’re a multi-faith Maryland group that organizes and participates in construction-based mission projects locally, nationally, and internationally. Our volunteers have worked on 70 homes across the U.S. and around the globe. From New Mexico to New Orleans to New England, we partner with many community and national organizations–such as Habitat for Humanity and Americorps–to provide housing for individuals and families.

Summer mission trips are made up of two thirds teens and one third adults. Teens who have completed ninth grade are welcome to join our mission trips. A number of missioners volunteer year after year.

Locally, we partner with Arc of Howard County, whose mission is to improve the lives of children and adults with cognitive and developmental disabilities; we’ve worked with Arc on numerous building and repair projects in Howard County, MD. Teens in seventh grade and older are welcome to help on local projects. We also partner with, Rebuilding Together Howard County to help improve the lives of the elderly, individuals with disabilities, veterans, and families with children.