Joyce Chomko was a dedicated member of the DreamBuilders leadership team for over 15 years. A long-time member of Ascension Church in Westminster, MD, Joyce energetically recruited adults and teens to participate in DreamBuilders projects. Joyce herself traveled with DreamBuilders to New Mexico, West Virginia, Missisippi, Vermont, New Jersey and Lousianna for a total of 12 work trips In addition, Joyce worked locally in Baltimore City, Westminster, Columbia and Sykesville. Her legacy of faith and service exemplifies the mission of DreamBuilders.
In memory of Joyce, “Joyce’s Crew” sponsorship fund has been established to provide financial assistance to teens that wish participate in DreamBuilders work trips. Joyce advocated for teen financial assistance with a personal passion and we will honor her by continuing this opportunity. Interested teens may contact the DreamBuilders leadership from their church or temple. Donations to Joyce’s Crew can be made to DreamBuilders, c/o St. Mark’s Church, 12700 Hall Shop Rd, Highland, MD 20777 with “Joyce’s Crew” indicated in the memo area of the check. For online donations, please include “Joyce’s Crew” in the note section: https://dreambuildersmd.org/home/donate/