Please note: The November 11 workday is cancelled.
We regret we have to postpone the Nov. 3 workday, but the Nov. 4 and Nov 11 workdays (both Sundays) are still scheduled, and we need as much help as possible on those dates, even if you can only work a partial day.
On Sunday, Nov. 4 work continues on the Pena house in Sykesville. We’ve had several work days at this location, and this Sunday is the last currently scheduled. We’ve made great progress but there is still much work to be done.
The following Sunday, November 11 will be a workday for the Fall ARC Project in Ellicott City. DreamBuilders is working with Arc of Howard County to renovate a group home for developmentally and cognitively challenged individuals, so they can have choice and control over all aspects of their lives–including where they work, live, and spend their time. This two-part project involves improving the basement and the screen porch. The basement area is in need of new walls, a handrail for the steps, and a custom door. The screen porch requires wheelchair accessibility, to include a ramp with a handrail, along with removing panels to cut in new door openings and reframing. The house is located on Valley Road in Ellicott City.
Register for either work day by clicking the appropriate date link below. Please register no later than the Thursday before the scheduled work day. If you cannot work the entire day, just note your available hours on the form. Cost is $10 per missioner for supplies. Lunch, water and snacks are provided.
Register for Nov 4 Workday (Sykesville)
Register for Nov 11 Workday – Ellicott City (Regretfully, Canceled)